Organisations working with men and boys in the UK
There are a number of organisations engaging with men and boys in the UK on issues relating to masculinity, gender equality, and violence prevention. The following are some of the key ones:

Collective established to help men talk, think, take responsibility for and take action to challenge negative cultures which lead to sexism, misogyny, patriarchy and violence. created following the murder of Sarah Everard in March 2021.
Beyond Equality
(Formerly the Good Lad Initiative) Engaging men and boys in conversations about rethinking masculinities and creating gender equality, in schools, universities, workplaces and beyond.
Fatherhood Institute
National thinktank promoting involved fatherhood through policy, research, consultancy and evidence-based interventions.
Feminist Men Project
Engaging men in gender equality through workshops and events in universities, workplaces and communities.
Future Men
(Formerly Working with Men) Support boys and men from childhood to 25+ to help them become dynamic and healthy future men. Through practice-led services, they encourage boys and men to address stereotypes around masculinity.
Men at Work
Works with men and boys to end sexism, male violence, and rigid gender roles, and provides resources, training and support to others seeking to do the same.
Men’s Sheds Association
Provides support and guidance about starting and managing Men’s Sheds, and raises awareness about their social and health benefits in reducing isolation, loneliness and empowering local communities.
Men’s Health Forum
National charity undertaking research, advocacy, raising awareness (e.g. through Men’s Health Week), sharing and encouraging good practice, and providing health information and advice to improve the health of men and boys.
Domestic abuse charity leading the development of safe and effective work with perpetrators, with young people who are abusive, and with male victims. Runs the Men’s Advice Line for male victims and the Respect Phoneline for perpetrators of domestic abuse.
Safe Ground
Design and deliver arts-based programmes for people in prison and the community, including working with men to reimagine ideas of masculinity.
Survivors UK
Provides information, support and counselling for men and boys who have been raped or sexually abused.
White Ribbon Scotland
Works with men in Scotland who want to end violence against women. Part of a global campaign of men and boys committed to taking action to stop violence against women.
White Ribbon UK
Engaging with men and boys, including through ambassador and workplace accreditation schemes, to fulfil the White Ribbon Promise never to commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.
International resources
There is much exciting work with men and boys for gender justice taking place across the globe which we can learn from in the UK. The following are some examples of key networks, organisations and resources internationally:
For a more extensive list of organisations and resources relating to work with men and boys on masculinity issues, please see our Government Equalities Office Toolkit.
Align Platform
Brings together global research and knowledge sharing on gender and social norms, looking at the impact of discriminatory and harmful norms and how they change.
Global Action on Men’s Health
Collaborative project bringing together men’s health organisations, and others who share their objectives, in a global network to advocate for the health and wellbeing needs of men and boys.
Swedish NGO working to prevent men’s violence against women, encourage men to act for gender equality and against violence, advance equal parenthood, challenge and reverse destructive masculinity norms, and promote feminist values.
Men’s Development Network
Works with men in Ireland on projects including the Men’s Development Programme, Men’s Health Programme, Mend Domestic Violence Intervention Programme, Men’s Advice Line, Men’s Counselling Service, and White Ribbon Ireland.
Global fatherhood campaign active in more than 50 countries to promote men’s involvement as equitable, nonviolent fathers and caregivers.
MenEngage Alliance
Global social change network made up over 950 civil society organisations working to transform masculinities and engage men and boys in women’s rights and gender justice for all. There is a MenEngage Europe network of over 100 organisations and individuals from 33 countries.
Works to promote gender equality and create a world free from violence by engaging with men and boys. Global consortium with members in the United States, Brazil, Portugal, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Chile that conduct cutting-edge research; develop, evaluate, and scale up interventions and programmes; and carry out national and international campaigns and advocacy initiatives.
Sonke Gender Justice
South African-based NGO working across Africa to create the change necessary for men, women, young people and children to enjoy equitable, healthy and happy relationships that contribute to the development of just and democratic societies.
Voice Male Magazine
Pro-feminist, anti-violence magazine based in the United States, chronicling the social transformation of masculinities in the world today.
Work with Perpetrators European Network
Brings together over 60 member organisations across Europe working with perpetrators of domestic violence, including perpetrator programmes, researchers and victim support services.
XY Online
Website run by Australian academic Dr Michael Flood, focusing on men, masculinities, and gender politics. One of the most substantial resources on men and gender issues on the internet. Also hosts The Men’s Bibliography and Profem, a pro-feminist e-mail list.